What Motivates Your Workforce?

What Motivates You?

The Motivator Assessment Profile (MAP) identifies your top motivators at work, and provides companies with valuable insights about what’s most important to their current and potential workforce

Validated by I/O Psychologists and backed by research on employee motivation, the Motivator Assessment Profile (MAP) analyzes 12 factors that influence decisions to join, stay with, or leave a company:

  • The sentiment that you're being "taken care of" at work.

    Examples include investments in your mental and physical health, wellness, retirement plan, or feeling recognized and appreciated for your work.

  • The opportunity to create and implement new ideas at work.

    Examples include building new and different things, reevaluating current processes, and working with emerging technologies.

  • The opportunities to grow your career within your current or target role.

    Examples include learning and developing new skills in your current role, or building the skills that will elevate your influence, impact, and likelihood of being promoted into your next role.

  • Your satisfaction with the monetary components of your job.

    Examples include your base salary, individual or company bonuses, or long-term incentives in the form of stock options or equity awards.

  • The collection of values, beliefs, and practices that inform the expected behaviors and actions at work.

    Examples are contingent on the type of culture you gravitate towards, and so the onus is on you to identify your culture and value "must-haves."

  • Having respect and support for the executive team’s competencies and behaviors.

    Examples include an executive team's accessibility, accountability, transparency, and communication skills.

  • Feeling supported and empowered to manage your work schedule, including where, when, and how you work.

    Examples include a compressed work schedule, the opportunity to work remotely, flexible start and end times, and a manageable workload.

  • Your connection to the human experience at work and within your community.

    Examples include feeling supported, included, and psychologically safe with colleagues and leaders, and companies that support diversity, inclusion, and belonging at work and within their communities.

  • Having comfort and confidence that the type of work you do, or the employer you work with, is secure for the foreseeable future.

    Examples include a consistent workload, a stable industry, and a job that is unlikely to be automated or outsourced.

  • A manager that consistently supports you at work, in parallel to fostering your professional development.

    Examples include a manager who empowers you, provides performance feedback, and offers stretch opportunities to learn new skills.

  • Work that provides meaning in your life or positively impacts others.

    Examples include projects aligning with your values or companies with a compelling mission and purpose.

  • The opportunity to directly impact the success of the company.

    Examples include having important responsibilities, contributing to the success of others, and feeling a sense of accomplishment in your job.

“Understanding a person’s hunger and responding to it is one of the most potent tools you’ll ever discover for getting through to anyone you meet in business or your personal life.”

Mark Goulston, Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone

MAP Guidebook Insights: Sample spider chart comparing a high performer’s MAP results to the rest of the high performers within the company.

Motivators and Workforce Trends:


The average cost of losing one employee ranges from 50% to 200% of the employee’s salary This Fixable Problem Costs U.S. Businesses $1 Trillion (Gallup)


of employees looking for a new role are looking externally rather than internally
What are HRs Top Priorities and Trends for 2023 (Gartner)


of Managers say that leadership is out of touch with employee expectations
Work Trends Index for 2022 (Microsoft)

$7.8 Trillion

The cost to the global economy (in USD) of low employee engagement
State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report (Gallup)


of companies have or plan to hire someone to lead Employee Experience programs Global Talent Trends Study 2022-23 (Mercer)


of people who quit their jobs in the last two years have left their industry
The Great Renegotiation and New Talent Pools (McKinsey)

Where Would You Like to Go?